
Top 06 Tips for Overcoming Writer’s Block

Top 06 Tips for Overcoming Writer's Block

Often when we do something, we feel confused, right? Or in the middle of the road, you often feel stuck? So, what we are doing suddenly stops.

Gradually, the project you are working on becomes lazy and even worse, it is not touched anymore.

This is very relevant in the world of writing, especially for those of you who want to start a blog or are active bloggers at this time. Or who is currently working on a thesis?

It turns out that the situation where we feel stuck is called writer’s block. Almost everyone has felt this way.

Perhaps you are aware of or have heard of writer’s block.

Some people believe that writer’s block is untrue. Or someone underestimates this term too. In fact, this scourge is a very natural thing to hit when writing, and don’t underestimate it either.

We need to get around this to get over it. But for those who don’t understand what writer’s block is, it will be explained in this article. At the end will also discuss tips for overcoming writer’s block that are accurate for writers and bloggers.

Writer’s block is a state of not being able to continue writing activities or the inability to start writing something new. So, not only when you write do you feel stuck, but also when you start something new. A psychological block that prevents writers from completing their writing is referred to as writer’s block. For those of you in the writing industry, such as writers, this must be very disturbing and hampers daily productivity.

Particularly for those of you who are bloggers who have a timeline or content that must be published as soon as possible, but you feel glued. It must be very frustrating if you are close to the deadline, which will stress you out. Don’t be afraid; writer’s block is only a temporary situation.

Most writers will experience this block from time to time on a short or temporary basis.

Common causes of writer’s block:

It turns out that writer’s block has been around for a long time. There are four causes of writer’s block, namely:

  • Self-criticism very harshly (self-criticism)
  • Fear of comparison with other writers
  • Lack of external motivation, such as attention and praise
  • Lack of internal motivation, such as the desire to tell someone’s story

In other words, actually, this writer’s block comes from feeling dissatisfied with the writing that comes from within ourselves. Indeed, it is better to do something when our feelings are happy.

There are several ways you can do to overcome psychological barriers in the world of writing. Let’s have some important points to overcome writer’s block:

01. Writing Routine

Most of us probably write when we get an idea or “feel creative.” If we don’t have an idea, we don’t write it down. Even though we should write regularly, it is better if there is a writing schedule, you know. Set your schedule, for example, every weekend or every night before bed.

02. Doing Freewriting

If you can’t find what you want to write, try scribbling on your paper or typing anything on your keyboard. Share what you think or what you see around you. Don’t get hung up on rules or structures; just write anything because this can take up to hours, you know, and can make you stuck to continue it again. Who knows, by doing this, you can get new ideas for your writing.

03. Write Everything, Edit Later

As explained in the point of perfectionism, you better pour everything first. Only then do you edit if something is wrong, typo, or replace words or phrases that are more beautiful.

04. Create an Outline

Usually, you are confused about what to write next. Well, you can make an outline or draft first. This outline becomes the benchmark for your outline for writing. You can write a sub-topic arrangement of the ideas you think of. This avoids writer’s block, which is much bigger in later posts.

05. Move your Body

Making some moves can help you! You may be too tired to sit for hours while writing. Try stretching for 10 minutes. Or you can take a short walk. You can also dance, do yoga, or do small activities at home. By moving your body, your mind will relax. When you are relaxed, you can think more imaginatively and be enthusiastic about continuing your writing.

06. Get Rid of Distractions

What easily distracts you? Surely the cell phone is one that makes you quickly distracted. It’s best to turn off your cellphone first or put it in do not disturb mode for a moment.

If necessary, first off, from the internet, focus on writing so that you are not tempted to open tabs that are not important. Suppose that you can the help of your family members to not bother you for a few hours while you’re writing. Because writing requires great focus, sometimes it is difficult for us to continue writing when we are already distracted. Anyway, first get rid of the things that bother you.

Written by itmemes

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