
Top 05 Most Common WordPress Errors & How to Fix Them

WordPress has been considered as the best and most used Content Management System(CMS) for the last 2-3 years. Almost every website is built using WordPress.

According to statistics, almost 20% of self-hosted websites make use of WordPress. Netcraft surveyed that almost 4,54,000,000 websites are created by WordPress.

Although it is easy to use still some times it creates problems. Some WordPress errors can make you unhappy. Some problems or errors in WordPress may frighten you in the beginning. But you can easily solve it on your own.

In this blog, we will discuss the 5 most common WordPress errors and their quick fixes.

Advantages of WordPress:

  • It provides free plugins.
  • Free of cost.
  • User friendly
  • It provides unlimited themes

Types of WordPress website Errors:

  • Internal Server error
  • Error due to database connection
  • White Screen of death error
  • 404 page not found Error
  • Parse/Syntax errors

Problem 1. Internal Server error:

The internal Server error is the basic issue that occurred in WordPress.  In WordPress, .htaccess plays a vital role. Because it helps in monitoring and controlling the navigation of your site with the server. Moreover, this file also assists in improving the safety of the site. Reasons for Internal Server error are

  • damaged .htaccess file
  • The site’s PHP limit exceeds
  • Exhausted memory limit

Solution: How to Quick fix Internal Server errors:

  • When you can know if you find that .htaccess file is the reason then you can immediately disable this file.
  • If the problem is due to memory limit, you can increment PHP for memory
  • You can also generate a new .htaccess file. Firstly go to the WP Admin dashboard, then generate a new .htaccess file.

Problem 2.  Error due to database connection:

Error due to database connection displays on your website mainly due to when you are unable to access the database. The database keeps all the details like storing all your information at the backend. But think, if you are unable to fetch that information, it means your website is not operating in the right way. If the problem is related to the database then the cause of the error should be a problem with your wp-config.php file.

You need to follow the things mentioned below:-

You need to Follow up on this file path and use the edit mode to open up this file. Follow the steps:

Open Web hosting account –> go to cPanel —> select file manager –> public.html– > wp-config.php

Solution: How to fix database connection problems:

  • Firstly you have to check the correctness of the hostname, username, and password along with the database name. To do so you have to access phpMyAdmin and then you need to compare them. It will help in the fixation of the issue.
  • The second option is to Turn on WordPress ‘s automatic database repair support tool by using the following line define( ‘WP_ALLOW_REPAIR’, true ). You can now save the file. If you want to find a database repair script, you can click on the following link:

https://yoursiteurl. com/ wp-admin/maint/repair .php. After that page is loading give you the following options:

  • Repairing the database
  • Repairing and optimization of database

The repair tool helps in fixing the error in your database. Once your WordPress site loads properly, then you should need to remove the allow repair coding that you have added to your configuration file(wp-config.php) of WordPress.

Problem 3: White Screen of death error:

This is an irritating error that comes to the WordPress website. In this error, the affected site appears white. Here you are unable to track any kind of notification and additional support.  Your website is unable to load completely and this is one of the major causes of the White Screen of Death error.

Solution: How to fix the white screen of death error

  • Deactivation of WordPress theme
  • Deactivate all WordPress Plugins
  • Enabling of debug mode of WordPress
  • Increase your site memory

Deactivation of WordPress theme:

Sometimes a corrupt theme can cause trouble for you. You can make use of SFTP so that you can swap it with the default theme available on your WordPress site

Enabling of debug mode of WordPress:

This will assist users in knowing about the real cause of WSOD errors.

Increase your site memory:

You can clear out the old and unused files to resolve this issue. You must clear all those caches, after that, you can resolve the issue. You can also increase your site storage by making the site memory limit via modification in your php.ini file.

Problem 4: The 404 Error:

This is a very common error that appears very often, It depicts that the server is unable to connect to the page for which the user is requesting. In this problem, the user is not able to access the particular page. And that particular page is absent from view. Maybe it is deleted for any reason. It may happen due to :

  • Change in URL
  • Links get broken

Main Cause: This problem occurs due to the .htaccess file in the main server of the WordPress website. This file has the main link which is the hyperlink of the website. This can cause proximity that the URL is wrongly navigated.

Now you need to upload the file to the WordPress website’s root folder after performing the above-mentioned steps.

Solution: How to  fix Website 404 error in WordPress

  • Firstly, inspect the .htaccess file, after that place a new webpage URL in that file. After that again upload .htaccess in the main server. Use the following code.

Problem 5:  Parse Error or Syntax Error

This error appears due to coding issues. This most probably occurs in functions. A simple pop-up message explains what is the reason for the arising issue and where it has occurred.

Solutions: How to fix for Parse/Syntax error

  • Firstly you need to access the file with the aid of FTP. You can search the file in the parent directory. and download it
  • After that right-click on that file in which there will be errors.
  • Then you need to click on view/edit.
  • choose Yes and make the required changes  as per the error indication
  • Please save the file and open the website again.

Written by itmemes

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