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Funny Friendship Quotes to Make Memes

Funny Friendship Quotes to Make Memes

01. Keep Your Secrets To Yourself. Your Best Friend Has Another Best Friend.

02. My friend won a trip to China. He´s out there now trying to win a trip back home Guys learn to Read terms and conditions.

03. How to make money online, especially on Facebook. Go to Settings, select delete my account, Go to work my friend Facebook won’t feed you.

04. Being a true friend means caring about someone enough to not give up on them even when they have given up on themself.

05. Someone will see you sad and just conclude that it’s relationship issues. My friend, I need 5 million.

06. When you start looking at people’s hearts instead of their faces, life becomes clear.

07. Cheating on someone you don’t want to lose. Highest level of stupidity.

08. Dating someone who is RICH doesn’t make you rich. A breakup can send you right back to Default Settings.

09. Don’t be a gentleman to other people’s women, while you are a monster to yours.

10. Not every unsuccessful person is idle or lazy, some are struggling, but positive results are not coming forth. Don’t be too quick to judge, you don’t know what they are going through.

Written by itmemes

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