
Top 8 Major Factors That Affect Bone Weakness

Bone weakness or osteoporosis is called a silent disease that is almost impossible to realize. Bone density decreases and becomes vulnerable during this disease.

One in every two women and one out of every four men suffer from it and the risk of bone fracture increases.

Top 8 Major Factors That Affect Bone Weakness

Unfortunately, some different factors for osteoporosis are out of your control.

01. Too much salt:

The more salt you eat, the more calcium will be released from the body, which will increase the chances of bone loss. Foods such as cheese, chips, and fast food have high salt content. It is not necessary to remove salt completely from the diet. It is also essential for health, but consuming more than 2300 mg of salt daily can be harmful.

02. Too much seating

Nowadays, people spend most of their time watching television in front of their favorite programs, but when it becomes a habit and slows down, it has negative effects on the bones. Exercising daily strengthens bones, the structure should handle the body and legs, forcing bones and muscles to work against gravity.

03. Too much bicycling or biking:

By the way, cycling makes the heart and lungs strong but not bones, because it is not a weight-lifting activity, and spending too much time sitting on a bicycle or motorcycle does not strengthen bones.

04. Stay away from sunlight:

You want to get more out of the ceiling under the open sky. Because the body produces vitamin D from sunlight, walking in the sun for a while daily is beneficial for bone health because vitamin D is very important for it. Yes, but it should be avoided by moving too much into the sun. Vitamin D is also present in eggs, milk, juices, and fortified cereals, while vitamin D supplementation may also be used on the doctor’s advice.

05. Overuse of sweet drinks:

Excessive use of soft drinks can harm bones, further research is needed. However, some research reports have found a relationship between caffeine and phosphorus and bone weakness found in these drinks. Other experts say that when people give sweet drinks instead of milk or calcium drinks, bones are damaged. Drinking too much coffee or tea can also cause calcium loss in bones.

06. Smoking:

it is also a factor that affects bone weakness. when smoking is a habit. it is difficult for the body to make new bone tissue. The longer you smoke, the worse the effect will be. Smoking addicts are more likely to break bones and take longer to recover. But leaving this habit can reduce the risk and improve bone health, but it may take several years.

07. Medication:

Some medicines, especially if used on a long-term basis, hurt bone weakness.

08. Lose body weight:

Low body weight increases the probability of fracture and loss of bone density. Such people need to do weight-bearing exercises while consuming more calcium in their diet.

Consult a doctor if you do not know the cause of your body weight loss.

6 Symptoms of Bone Weakness:

Bone weakness or osteoporosis is called a silent disease that is almost impossible to realize.
Bone density decreases and becomes vulnerable during this disease.

One in every two women and one out of every four men suffer from it and the risk of bone fracture increases.

However, by being aware of these silent symptoms of osteoporosis, you can reduce the risk.

01. Shrink:

Do your shirts suddenly look too long? Are your favorite pants suddenly slipping into your shoes? When an individual develops a bone marrow disease, it can result in a loss of stature. Medical experts say that comparing your current height to the height of puberty, the disease usually results in women being reduced to one-half inch and men to two inches.

02. Toothache:

When your jaw bone is weak, the teeth begin to fall out, although losing teeth can be a sign of osteoporosis, it’s not a necessary sign. If your teeth are broken, talk to your doctor and tell him or her. Test the bones accordingly.

03. Poor way of sitting or standing:

If the bones in the spinal cord do not support the body weight, they begin to degenerate, and the person suffers from some jaundice, which is a clear sign of bone weakness.

04. In a close relative the disease

If you have an osteoporosis patient in your family, you may be diagnosed with it, according to medical experts, genes certainly play a role in this regard, but they depend on several factors. If you have a loved one, get a bone scan done along with the initial symptoms.

05. Calcium deficiency:

If bones lack calcium and minerals, it can also be a quiet sign of osteoporosis and weakening of bones.

06. Fracture over minor problems:

If you jump off a ladder and break one or two bones, which is usually not possible. This is a clear sign of osteoporosis.

Fracture of the jump at a slight elevation means that the bones have become very weak and you should consult a doctor immediately.

Top 12 Foods That Help Prevent Bone Weakness

Joint pain is very painful and is also known as the root of all diseases that can make a person of any age suffer.

Usually, the disease is caused by uric acid accumulation in the blood, it is excreted as a result of bodily processing and is usually dissolved in the blood through the kidneys through the urine but when the body has high levels of it. The kidneys fail to get rid of it.

As a result, it begins to form crystals in the joints causing pain in the joints.

If you are a victim of it, some foods can reduce the inconvenience or prevent the disease.

01. Ginger:

Ginger used in every home is considered to be beneficial for health, which helps to correct the digestive system, but at the same time, it also battles discomfort, including joint pain. One study found that ginger capsules are more effective in reducing pain than vertebrate drugs.

02. Blueberries:

This fruit is packed with many healthy ingredients that help fight joint edema and reduce joint pain, aside from blueberries, strawberries, and malt are also full of antioxidants and polyphenols like blueberries. They only benefit.

03. Fish:

Omega-3 fatty acids help relieve edema and are high in fish, making eating habits healthier and reducing joint irritation while also helping to control joint pain. Is.

04. Turmeric:

Polyphenol in turmeric is an antioxidant that has anti-inflammatory properties. Various clinical research reports have shown that turmeric is capable of reducing joint pain, stiffness, and swelling. Individuals suffering from arthritis can get relief using turmeric powder capsules at the doctor’s advice.

05. Cinnamon:

This spice is also beneficial for pain relief as it is full of anti-inflammatory and antioxidants, add half a teaspoon of sugar powder and one teaspoon of sugar to warm water and use it Drink your mouth and repeat this routine for several days.

06. Olive Oil:

Olive oil contains a component that acts as a painkiller, in addition to using this healthy oil to smooth the joints and protect the soft bones, prone to bone loss. It is a very beneficial oil for individuals.

07. Peppers:

Capsaicin, a component of the peppers, has painkillers and according to various medical research reports, instead of applying them to the skin, food can reduce the physical edema and relieve joint pain, causing them to irritate the brain. Forces the release of pain that blocks the signals of pain.

08. Take advantage of mint too:

Peppermint oil is also helpful in relieving joint problems, while mint tea can help reduce joint pain while also acting as pain medicine and improving digestion.

09. Apple vinegar:

Apple vinegar is rich in calcium, magnesium, potassium, and phosphorus, which are beneficial in reducing joint pain, it helps in removing toxins from the body. Mix one teaspoon of apple vinegar and one teaspoon of honey in a cup of warm water and make it a habit to drink daily in the morning.

10. Green tea:

According to a US university study, consuming four cups of green tea daily increases the number of chemicals in the body that reduce the risk of joint pain. According to another study, antioxidants called polyphenols in green tea have the potential to reduce inflammation, leading to significant muscle breakdown and pain.

11. Clove:

Cloves contain the chemical eugenol that controls inflammation, which affects the physiological processes that increase joint pain. According to a study, the use of cloves prevents the release of proteins into the body that increase inflammation. Also, cloves contain antioxidants that slow the bones down. Daily use of half a teaspoon of it is best for reducing joint pain.

12. Desi Ghee:

Long-term use of desi ghee not only reduces the amount of fat in your body, but it is also effective for strengthening muscles as well as for those who suffer from bones and joints.

Note: This article is for general information only. Readers should also consult their physicians in this regard.

Supplements rich in Vitamin D:

Vitamin D is essential for human health; thanks to it, where the body remains strong, it can be protected against many diseases.

Most people with vitamin D deficiency suffer from diseases like digestion, seasonal depression, obesity, immune weakness, dementia, skin, and itching, while it can also cause diseases such as diabetes, asthma, and cancer.

The abundance of vitamin D ensures human health by keeping the joints, bones, bones, and other body energies strong and strong.

Although there are also medications and supplements for vitamin D, it can also be obtained through natural foods.

Sunlight is also important for vitamin D, but other fruits, nutrients, and natural substances can be rich in vitamin D by being part of their daily lives.

The following natural substances help in vitamin D.

  1. Sunlight
  2. Cod lure oil (fish capsule) supplement
  3. Fish
  4. Milk
  5. Eggs
  6. Mushrooms
  7. Orange
  8. Different cereals made from wheat and barley
  9. Almond
  10. Carrot
  11. Apricot
  12. Peach
  13. Papaya
  14. Blue and BlackBerries

Written by itmemes

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