
What Colors Make Crimson?

Crimson is a deep red color, inclining towards the color purple. The word crimson has been a color name since the year 1400. It can also be described as a bright red color with a touch of blue. It is a bright red color and is usually associated with the color of fresh blood.

What Colors Make Crimson?

This same color was also associated with royalty, nobility, and others of high social standing. Interesting, isn’t it?

Being a mixed color, various steps are taken to obtain it, but worry not, because I am going to break them down for you. What colors make crimson: Primary red color + Primary blue color = Crimson color

Crimson’s Color Shades:

Crimson has numerous variations, just like any other color.

The shades are:

  • Raspberry pink,
  • Pink,
  • Cotton Candy (Crayola),
  • Charm Pink,
  • Amaranth Pink,
  • Baker-Miller Pink,
  • Carnation Pink (Crayola),
  • Thulian pink,
  • Cerise pink,
  • Fandango pink,
  • Debian red,
  • Ruby,
  • Razzmatazz,
  • Amaranth,
  • Radical red,
  • Rose,
  • awesome,
  • Folly,
  • Rose Neuron,
  • Awesome,
  • Folly,
  • Cherry red,
  • Electric crimson,
  • American rose,
  • Carmine red and Deep red.

Color Codes Of Crimson:

In the RGB color space, crimson’s hexadecimal RGB code is #990000. It is composed of a hexadecimal 99 red (153/256), 00 green (0/256), and 00 blue components (0/256). Crimson’s color shades also have different hexadecimal codes.

  • Raspberry pink’s hexadecimal code for the example is #E25098 (RGB: 226,  80,  155 ),
  • Pink is  #FFCBDB (RGB: 255, 192,  203 ),
  • Cotton candy’s hexadecimal code is #FFB7D5 (RGB: 255, 183, 213),
  • Charm pink’s hexadecimal code is #E68FAC ( RGB: 230, 143, 172),
  • Amaranth pink’s hexadecimal code is #F19CBB (RGB: 241, 156, 187),
  • Baker-Miller pink’s hexadecimal code is #FF91AF (RGB: 255, 145, 175),
  • Carnation Pink’s hexadecimal code is #FFA6C9) (RGB: 246, 166, 201),
  • Thulian pink’s hexadecimal code is #DE6FA1 (RGB: 222, 111, 61 ).
  • Cerise pink’s hexadecimal code is #DE3163 ( RGB: 222, 49, 99 ),
  • Fandango pink’s hexadecimal code is #DE5285 ( RGB: 222, 82, 133 ),
  • Debian red’s hexadecimal code is #D70A52 ( RGB: 215, 10, 83 ),
  • Ruby’s hexadecimal code is  #E0115F ( RGB: 224, 17, 95 ),
  • Razzmatazz’s hexadecimal code is #E3256B ( RGB: 227, 37, 107 ),
  • Amaranth’s hexadecimal code is #E52B50 ( RGB: 229, 43, 80 ),
  • Radical red’s hexadecimal code is #FF355E ( RGB: 255, 53, 94 ),
  • Rose hexadecimal code is  #FF0057 ( RGB: 255, 0, 87 ),
  • The awesome hexadecimal code is #FF2052 ( RGB: 255, 32, 82 ),
  • Folly’s hexadecimal code is #FF004F ( RGB: 255, 0, 79 ),
  • Cherry red’s hexadecimal code is  #FF0047 ( RGB: 255, 0, 71 ),
  • Electric crimson’s hexadecimal code is #FF003F ( RGB: 255, 0, 63 ),
  • American rose hexadecimal code is  #FF033E ( RGB: 255, 3, 62 ),
  • Carmine red’s hexadecimal code is #FF0038 ( RGB: 255, 0, 56 )
  • and last but not least, Deep red’s hexadecimal code is #EE204D ( RGB: 238, 32, 77 ).

Steps To Take In Making A Crimson Color Fondant:


  • One part of a blue-colored fondant
  • Three pieces of a red-colored fondant
  • Clean surface preferably a white surface
  • Water

Take one part of blue fondant and mix it with three parts of red-red fondant.

If you achieve the desired cranberry-colored fondant by this first step, then continue using the same ratio to make more massive amounts of fondant. If not, then proceed by adding either more amounts of blue or red fondant, but most importantly, taking note of the ratios used for future use. After completion of achieving the desired cranberry color, use the water to clean the surface applied.

How To Create Crimson Color?

It is close to impossible to get a ready crimson-colored paint in the stores. This brings us to the reason why we have to create our own.

Crimson-colored paint can be easily achieved by just mixing any pure red paint, with some purple and white paint in the correct ratio. The ratio is the critical determinant of the accuracy of the color.

To achieve the color, you will have to go through some easy steps.


  • Bright red paint
  • White color
  • Purple color
  • Safety glass/real glass or a white plastic
  • Paintbrush
  • Airtight container
  • Permanent marker
  • Water

Steps to Make Crimson Color :

  • Place three equal full amounts of red-colored paint onto the safety glass, and add one-half amount of purple-colored paint and one-half of white paint.
  • Mix the three colors of paint. If the mixture of the three colors doesn’t look dark enough, then add more red-colored paint as you continue to mix them.
  • Continue mixing the colors and adding either white, purple color, or red-colored paint, to achieve the crimson color you desire. If you want more paint, then add the tints, considering the ratios to maintain a uniform color all through the mixtures.
  • Restore the mixed rate on a larger scale after completing the desired hue. For instance, If you made the mixture at the following rate, ( 2:2:6 = W:P: R ) where W represents white, P represents purple, and R represents red. Then do the same but with more massive amounts to achieve the same shade.
  • Store the paint in an airtight container in a cool dark place and label it with a permanent marker to make it easier to retrieve it when need be.
  • Rinse the brushes and clean the used surface.

If this is not the easiest thing in the world, then what is?

Steps To Take In Making A Crimson Color Fondant?


  • One part of a blue-colored fondant
  • Three parts of a red-colored fondant
  • Clean surface preferably a white surface
  • Water

Take one part of blue fondant and mix it with three parts of red-red fondant. If you achieve the desired crimson-colored fondant by this first step, then continue using the same ratio to make larger amounts of fondant.

If not, then proceed by adding either more amounts of blue or red fondant, but most importantly, taking note of the ratios used for future use. The crimson-colored fondant will look like it has a bit of purple in it. After completion of achieving the desired cranberry color, use the water to clean the surface.

What Colors Go With Crimson Color?

When dressing up in a crimson-colored cloth, crimson being the striking color it is, can go well with very many combinations. The first combination applied is; deep purple and cream, the next is a deep navy blue and cream, the other is deep jungle green and cream, and the last one is black and cream which is pretty obvious since black goes with just about any color. This is best when applied to clothes.

On the other hand, when pairing up crimson color, for let’s say interior design or decor, then, crimson goes well with colors like royal blue, olive, ivory, dark brown, and burgundy. Here all the colors will pop, and the fantastic crimson color will not cease to interest you for sure.


In conclusion, crimson is a color that is made when primary red and primary blue is mixed. Another thing to note is that although maroon and crimson may look similar in appearance. They are not the same since for maroon to be made, red and brown color is mixed, while for crimson, red is mixed with blue. Crimson is also among the very many shades of red, which is the reason why you can see some reddish colors in crimson color.

Related Questions:

01. Is crimson a primary or a secondary color?

Surprisingly, crimson is neither a primary color nor a secondary color. Crimson is a Quaternary color. A quaternary color is a color that comes into existence when two tertiary colors are mixed. I call it a quaternary color because the technically crimson color is made from shades of red and blue.

It is not a primary color because there only exist three primary colors, that is red color, green color, and blue color. Crimson is technically not a secondary color because secondary colors are those colors formed from a mixture of two actual primary colors. Crimson, on the other hand, is made from certain shades of blue and certain shades of red.

02. What Is The Difference Between Crimson And Maroon?

People tend to confuse crimson with maroon, and this may be due to the presence of primary red in the colors. Well, there is a difference. Maroon is made by mixing red color and brown color, while crimson is made by mixing red color and blue color. Maroon and crimson also possess different shades.

03. Difference Between Crimson Color And Red:

I cannot say crimson and red are different since crimson is a shade of red. The only difference comes about in appearance. Since crimson is a shade of red, means they look different because of the different color codes and also because of the other colors added to red to make the crimson color.

Written by itmemes

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